Around PG
Here you can find all examples of what Porter-Gaud is doing to protect their students and faculty on campus
Web Safety Resources
Security and Camera Resources
Porter-Gaud uses a variety of technological resources and strategies to protect and monitor the campus. The campus is monitored by Honeywell Commercial Security and footage can be reviewed by admins and school leaders. Cameras are located at gate entrances, hallways, and large buildings with the exception of locker rooms and bathrooms.
The Porter-Gaud technology department distributes all computers and devices to each student, teacher, and administrator on campus. Each device is monitored by the Cisco filter and technology department administrators. Each device also has a virus and malware protection implemented and prohibits cyberbullying or hate speech on websites. Porter-Gaud also uses BARK Technology Inc. to monitor the devices for profanity, cyberbullying, suicidal thoughts, and violence on any Porter-Gaud device.